tahoe mobile massage
Introducing Tahoe Mobile Massage! We’re expanding the reach of Mountain Aloha with more therapists to serve you.
premier service
With demand for on-site massage continuing to increase, we are an association of vetted practitioners who are certified and insured in both California and Nevada to offer the growing desire for convenience and ease of mobile massage throughout the Tahoe region.
If you prefer to relax and receive in the comfort of your own location, have an event or gathering coming up, or just have limited mobility due to physical issues, we can bring a premier service directly to you.
Please expect to show ID upon arrival and we will gladly do the same. Verified credentials and licensing available upon request at any time.
Enjoy the convenience of a premier massage in the comfort and convenience of your own home, vacation spot, suite, or special occasion. Wilderness destinations may also be available upon request; weather permitting (ex: proposals, anniversaries, retreats).
events & gatherings
Book one or multiple therapists for chair or table massage. We love getting to treat groups of families, friends, co-workers, athletes, associates, and non-profit organizations for on-site services at their various gatherings, events, and special occasions.
Advanced booking required. Thank you!
limited mobility
We understand there is sometimes just a practical need for mobile massage. If limited mobility is a factor, don’t let that deter you from accessing the benefits of massage for yourself or a loved one. We will bring the comforts and therapies to you!

Please keep in mind, though mobile massage can be great for the receiver… it also needs to work well for the giver. A massage table is roughly 3’ x 7’ thus the therapist needs at least 3 ft around the table in diameter.
We bring the table warmer option along for the client(s) but please keep in mind when the temperature in the room is comfortable too then everyone has an all around better experience.
Along with individual general liability insurance, each practitioner also carries mobile massage insurance for up to $2k per incident should any damage to your location occur, as well as protecting the therapist should they feel the need to leave the equipment on site due to inappropriate behavior or other safety concerns.
All Tahoe Mobile Massage bookings must be addressed through email or phone inquiry and at least 24 hours in advance.
We are not currently offering same-day availability.
policies & procedures
The same release forms required for on-site visits will also be required for mobile massage. You can print these out ahead of time or your therapist will also bring copies along.
All our therapists are licensed and insured. Please request to see these certifications any time.
Our therapists are our ohana (family). Please show respect!
We reserve the right to leave a site at any time.
become an Associate
Are you a California or Nevada certified massage therapist excellent in your field of specialties? Reach out @ info@tahoemobilemassage.com and the staff manager will be in touch with you to communicate directly regarding qualifications and the application process. All practitioners are sole proprietors; independent contractors or subcontractors skilled in their modalities. Leave a message for the hiring manager at (530)830-0134 ext. 703